
Dr. Epoxy CCFS

Innovative products & flooring solutions for industrial applications.

B2B Discounts  • Commercial/Residential • Heavy Duty

Dr. Epoxy CCFS (Concrete Coatings & Finishing Specialist) greatest asset is the field experience of their project managers and installation foremen. We currently have employees with over 100 years of combined experience as residential and commercial floor installations! With this wealth of knowledge, you can rely on our experts to pair your project or facility with the best flooring solution.

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Why You Should Have Epoxy Flooring For Your Business

Epoxy flooring is a popular choice for commercial and industrial settings due to its durability, longevity, and resistance to various chemicals, impact, and abrasion. Epoxy is a thermosetting resin that is mixed with a hardener to create a tough, glossy, and seamless surface that can withstand heavy foot and vehicle traffic, high impact loads, and harsh chemicals. Here, we will discuss the benefits and applications of epoxy flooring in commercial and industrial settings.

One of the main benefits of epoxy flooring is its durability. Epoxy coatings are highly resistant to wear and tear, making them ideal for high-traffic areas such as warehouses, factories, and industrial plants. They are also resistant to impact, which is important in facilities that use heavy machinery and equipment. Epoxy flooring is also highly resistant to chemicals such as oils, acids, and solvents, which can cause damage to other types of flooring.

Another benefit of epoxy flooring is its longevity. Epoxy coatings can last up to 20 years or more with proper maintenance, making them a cost-effective solution for commercial and industrial settings. They are also easy to clean and maintain, requiring only regular sweeping and mopping to keep them looking like new.

Epoxy flooring is also highly customizable, with a variety of colors, textures, and patterns available to suit any design aesthetic. This makes it a popular choice for commercial spaces such as restaurants, retail stores, and offices, where aesthetics are important.

In terms of application, epoxy flooring can be applied to a variety of surfaces including concrete, wood, and metal. It can also be used in a range of settings such as factories, warehouses, laboratories, hospitals, garages and beyond. The installation process involves cleaning and preparing the surface, applying the epoxy coating, and allowing it to cure for several hours or days.

In conclusion, epoxy flooring is an excellent choice for commercial and industrial settings due to its durability, longevity, resistance to chemicals and impact, and customizability. Its versatility and easy maintenance make it a popular choice for a range of applications, from warehouses and factories to offices and retail stores. If you are looking for a durable, cost-effective, and long-lasting flooring solution, epoxy flooring may be the perfect choice for your business.

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