Epoxy Flooring

We've got the knowledge, materials & man-power at unbeatable prices!

Unbeatable Prices • Industrial Grade  • Easy To Clean • Anti-Bacterial • Durable Top Coats

We understand you’ve got options when it comes to epoxy flooring service companies and trying to decide on which one to choose can be overwhelming. Many will claim to have the best materials at the lowest prices but few can back it up.

We have the track-record, experience and man-power to provide durable long-lasting epoxy flooring that few can match. Our commercial footing in the industry means we buy our materials in bulk saving our clients thousands on their epoxy flooring needs. We’ll treat your home or business like it’s our own and back our epoxy flooring service with a limited lifetime warranty meaning if it ever starts to crack or peel due to an improper install we’ll make it right at no cost to you.

Aircraft Hangars

Durable, long-lasting epoxy flooring.

Aircraft hangars require a tough and durable flooring system that can withstand heavy traffic, chemical spills, and abrasions. Epoxy flooring is an ideal choice for this application due to its strength and resistance to wear and tear. It creates a glossy finish that enhances the appearance of the hangar while also making it easier to clean.

Epoxy flooring also provides a non-slip surface that is safe for aircraft operations, making it a practical and functional solution for aircraft hangars.

Aircraft Epoxy flooring
garage floor

Garage Epoxy Flooring

You'll love the look!

Epoxy flooring is a popular choice for garage floors due to its ability to resist oil, grease, and other chemicals that can damage concrete surfaces. It is a great solution for protecting concrete from stains and wear and tear. Epoxy coatings are also easy to clean, providing an ideal surface for DIY enthusiasts, auto mechanics, and homeowners.

Epoxy garage floors can be customized with a range of colors, patterns, and textures, making them a stylish and practical addition to any home or garage.

Kitchen Epoxy Floors

Happy spouse, happy house!

Commercial and residential kitchens require flooring that can withstand spills, stains, and heavy foot traffic. Epoxy flooring is a great choice for this application due to its durability and chemical resistance. It creates a smooth and seamless surface that is easy to clean and maintain, making it ideal for busy kitchens.

Epoxy flooring can also be customized with different colors and patterns to match the kitchen’s décor, creating a functional and stylish space for food preparation.

epoxy flooring
epoxy floors

Unique Living Room Flooring

We make your living space fit your style!

Epoxy flooring is a unique and stylish option for living rooms due to its high-gloss finish and customization options. It provides a durable and scratch-resistant surface that can withstand heavy foot traffic, making it a practical choice for households with children and pets.

Epoxy flooring can be customized with different colors and patterns, allowing homeowners to create a unique and personalized space that reflects their style.

Industry Leading Epoxy Flooring

Protect Your Concrete Floors!

Durable, long-lasting beautiful and reliable epoxy flooring is a call away.

Pool Deck Epoxy Coatings

The ultimate pool experience starts with pool deck epoxy coatings!

Pool decks require a surface that can withstand water, sunlight, and chemical exposure without fading or cracking. Epoxy flooring is a great choice for pool decks due to its resistance to water and chemicals. It can protect the underlying concrete from damage and provide a slip-resistant surface for swimmers.

Customized epoxy flooring with different colors and patterns, making it a stylish and functional choice for any pool area.

epoxy coating

Restaurant Epoxy Flooring

Elegant yet extremely durable.

Commercial kitchens and restaurants require flooring that can withstand spills, stains, and heavy foot traffic. Epoxy flooring is a great choice for this application due to its durability and chemical resistance. It can protect the underlying concrete from damage and provide a non-slip surface that is safe for restaurant staff and patrons.

Restaurant epoxy flooring can also be customized with different colors and patterns to match the restaurant’s décor, creating a stylish and functional space for dining and entertaining.

Workshop Epoxy Floor Coatings

Rugged with the aesthetic styles you'll love!

Home workshops and industrial facilities require flooring that can withstand heavy machinery, chemicals, and abrasions. Epoxy coatings are a practical solution for this application, as they provide a tough and durable surface that can resist wear and tear.

Epoxy coatings also create a slip-resistant surface that is safe for workers and can be customized with different colors and finishes to match the facility’s needs.

Workshop Epoxy Flooring

Medical Flooring Applications & More

Anti-bacterial epoxy flooring.

Hospitals, clinics, and laboratories require flooring that is hygienic, slip-resistant, and easy to clean. Epoxy flooring is a popular choice for these applications due to its chemical resistance and durability. It can protect the underlying concrete from damage and provide a non-slip surface that is safe for medical personnel and patients.

Epoxy flooring is a versatile and practical solution for many different applications, from residential to commercial and industrial settings. It provides a range of benefits, including durability, chemical resistance, and customization options, making it a popular choice for flooring projects. Whether you’re looking to enhance the appearance of your living room, protect your garage floor, or create a safe and functional surface for your industrial facility, epoxy flooring can provide the solution you need.

With its many benefits and applications, epoxy flooring is a smart and cost-effective choice for any flooring project. Contact us today to learn more about the benefits of epoxy flooring and how it can work for your specific needs or business niche.

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